Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > Font Substitution Definitions
Font Substitution Definitions

A match font substitution definition consists to two parts, which are separated by an equals (=) character. The left side is the original font specification and the right side is the replacement font specification.

A font specification consists of the following four elements, each separated by a colon character (:).

  1. Font name

  2. Size (in points)

  3. Weight (bold or regular)

  4. Slant (italic or regular; that is, upright)

Set the LogAvailableFonts parameter to true if you want to output all fonts installed on the client node (that is, match font specifications) to the jommsgn.log file.

Each font substitution definition in the JADE initialization file is written to the jommsgn.log file on the client node. An invalid font substitution definition causes a message describing the error to be written to the jommsgn.log file and that font definition is ignored.

For details about each element of a font specification, see the following subsections.

Font Name Definition

When you specify original and replacement font names, embedded spaces are significant and the name cannot include colon characters (:), which are used only to separate font substitution elements.

Size Definition

Specify a Real point size value that is a floating‑point value measured in points taken from the Control class fontSize property.

Weight Definition

The font weight (that is, the bold attribute value) of the original font specification is taken from the Control class fontBold property.

You can define the following weight values for the original and replacement fonts.

Slant Definition

The font slant (that is, the italic attribute value) of the original font specification is taken from the Control class fontItalic property.

You can define the following weight values for the original and replacement fonts.